Deal It Game Board
To win this game, your students will need to figure out how to make both sides of an equation equal using a number balance and weights. A partner, number cards, and access to a number balance are needed.
Size: 8.5 x 14 (legal)
Connections to Standards
CCSS.1.OA.B.3 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.
CCSS.1.OA.C.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten ; decomposing a number leading to a ten; using the relationship between addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or known sums.
CCSS.1.OA.D.7 Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.
CCSS.1.OA.D.8 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers.
CCSS.2.OA.B.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. (By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers).
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