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Teaching young children is hard work, and I’m here to help!


Peruse the resources and tips found on this webpage, seek professional development and coaching support, and access meaningful and appropriate tasks, lessons and activities to use with your children. 

Looking for something specific? Just let me know!

Home: Welcome


I am a 28+ year veteran educator and have served as a PreK-3rd Grade teacher, state-level early education and math consultant and am currently supporting practicing and future teachers at Meredith College, East Carolina University and through the joint venture, Good Things for Young Children.  I love working with teachers, scuba diving, riding my motorcycle, traveling and playing with my two cats, Pumpkin and Mo. I have always been, and will always likely be, a child at heart.


Dr Scrinzi changed how I thought about teaching math.  She gave me the confidence to face my own fears of math... which  I, in turn, have been able to do for my students.  She has taught me how to give young children opportunities to become math thinkers, not just math doers.  Math is now one of my favorite subjects to teach!



Kindergarten Teacher

You have inspired me through hearing you present over the years... you have had such an impact on my professional life!




Math Coach/

Assistant Principal


 I learned so much about how to effectively conduct various forms of early childhood assessment, as well as how to collaborate with young children and their families.  As I prepare for a career in elementary education in our ever evolving world, I know that this will serve me well.



Meredith College Student

I loved getting new ideas... It was a great hands-on virtual workshop! I am excited to try them with my children!




Pre-K Workshop Participant


Amy Scrinzi, EdD


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